I sat and thought of you until my brain began to hurt
I didn’t have a clue of what to do with such a flirt
like lightening bolt the answer suddenly came
I’d flirt right back and play your silly game.
We flirted back and forth like butterflies
lashes flickering on each pair of flirting eyes
we teased each other with our promised kisses
spent all day with dreams that were delicious
then finally all the promises got dreary
and I devised a different sort of theory
I’d ask to take you out somewhere alone
so I could see how far this thing had grown
to test my theory of your beckoning charms
I’d hold you tightly wrapped within my arms
like match to scratch I hoped to light a fire
and change your flirting into strong desire
I placed my hand to see if you would move it
I figured this would be the way to prove it
to my surprise I felt your slapping hand
the flames of my desire just got fanned
you were a good girl, having none of that!
my hand then stayed above the waist where it was at.
but still you held me close and felt so warm
there must be feelings somewhere in this storm
I held your hand and walked you to your door
I pulled you closely wanting even more
we kissed and man that finally sealed the deal
I knew at once your feelings were for real
your flirting was a trap you clever set
you caught the man that you were out to get
now flirting’s done the job for 40 yrs.
our love has grown beyond all hemispheres.
So my advice for those who need a mate
is simply this, you need not hesitate
when you find the one you really need
“just flirt your tush off honey”, you’ll succeed.