Flourishing Love
Flourishing Love
Though I thought I wouldn't be able to love,for i have loved and lost.But you,how did you fill that hole that resounds inside of me? Can't I even think of anything else then what i have lost look at what i have gain so beautifully.This love in which is in both of us this love which resounds over and over again in my heart.How do love know how does it build until it is certain I am in love because I found you.You are now all I think about your everything I want.I no longer hurt myself I no longer feel dead,I am once again alive.There is love between us there is love where there shouldn't be for I thought I had lost all meaning to feel for love.But here it is and I hope it stay forever until I die or at least until we fall in love more with each other or for someone else.This beauty pure love shall grow hall be our harmony and we will sing to it forever even if i road shall split this shall be our song our song of love.Our flourishing our pure our our love is perfect.