Flower of the Forsaken Love
A flower emerges amidst the pebbles
Eyes behold, its beauty; its fragrance stronger than all else
Its surface shinier than anything I’ve seen before
It dances in the wind, standing where it dwells
One unfortunate day, she caught my eye
She, who was prettier than any flower could hope to be
I had always been afraid of pretty girls
But it was never this bad, you see
She smiled, as if i were the only one she saw
A jewel so precious, she was a living piece of art
And her eyes shimmered beyond every star
Even so, I knew my love was doomed from the start
Our love was a bud on a deserted, desolate island
It was sown; it grew, even amidst the gloom
But as the dust storms triumphed; thirsty, our love was
A flower that may never bloom
I was entangled in a web as smooth as her hair
Nothing could save me now, not even the gods above
For I was the fool who couldn’t grasp
Just because she smiled and blushed, does not mean she’s in love
For my eyes are not for you, she said
And told me about the one that flood her mind
In depths of despair and hopelessness
She left me, so grim, so petrified
And yet, my heart yearned for her essence
A girl; as obvious as the rain, as unpredictable as the weather
She was the one who ripped my heart up
The one who sew it back together