Flower Plateau
It's pretty late, isn't it?
The day's done, Midnight draws near
You mischievously glance at me
I carry you away to our room
Along the way, I think
Of all the last four years have given me
Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Warheads all rusting in peace
Four years ago, I was still so innocent
Fresh eyes, clear mind
Chasing some distant dream
Through a lush, lovely forest
And in a massive clearing, I found the dream
And took her in my arms
She ripped herself away before I could blink
And dragged me down into her suicidal spiral
It took months to escape
To pull us both out
My eyes became jaded
And her innocence was given to another
Latching onto a beam of light
I clung to another
Treating her emotions like a toy
And feeling that I was making her stronger
I became addicted to her quickly
I lived to repent my sins
And repent I did
As I became the toy to her
And in that time, I headed west
Trying to ease the pain of loss
Dragging yet another soul down
And running when it became too much
I've yet to apologize for that
Maybe it goes without saying
But if it doesn't
I send my prayers and sorrow to her skies
And as I walked upon the plateau
Where nothing but weeds grew
I found a single flower
Weakly blooming under the dust
That flower would change my life
And alone I sat on that plateau
Blooming alongside it
Blooming alongside you
And as time passed
The plateau began teeming with flowers
As my life and yours
Became increasingly intertwined
My sorrows melted away
Every loose end that caused me strife
I went back to tie up
And close another chapter of my life
My thoughts come to a halt as I look upon you
Your body under mine, our heartbeats in sync
I take you in my arms and press my lips to yours
Here atop this flower plateau