Flower Power
Control me, console me, bestow and bless with your power and beauty
Possess me, caress my senses with exotic intoxicating perfumes
Cast spells with your existence and immeasurable intricacies
Elaborate, exact folds as if replicated in God made molds
How such beauteous bounty sprouted up from solid, sullen dirt
Annual artwork appears, here and there, just everywhere
If you dare to pause and submit to the permeation of Earths' creations
Fill eyes and nose, let pores absorb, OD on natures' natural healing
Entertain and entrance, illicit pupillary and capillary responses
Health enhancing, life sustaining, sole saving, anger erasing
No effort required to witness these miracles of all shapes and sizes
Submit, permit the anesthetic to sedate and elate as the desired effect
In heart and soul, feel the surge and satiety of brains' happy hormones
If be contagious, infect me now, and remain as a long term condition
Eternally may I be ridden and wrecked, afflicted and addicted
Every second, day and hour, every thought and breath and blink
Safe and effective, only side effects being happiness and love and passion while under the influence of THE POWER OF THE FLOWER