Love Poem: Flowers By Rita Solis Radius
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Written by: Rita Solis Radius

Flowers By Rita Solis Radius

Dear readers of mine, 
I bring you
Some red flowers!

Dear friends of mine, 
I bring you some
nice twin flowers!

Dear family of mine, 
I bring you
some nice roses!

'Cause, flowers
Do bring us a lot 
Of joy at home!

'Cause, flowers
Do love us all, 
For, they are like us: 

Godfather has also created them!
So, family and friends of mine,
We do have to love flowers,
We all, have to respect flowers,
God, our Father, wants Love to be first in life!!       

Rita Solis Radius. 2/21/2017. Poem "FLOWERS", translation of the Mpongwès poem « I Flawa ».