Flying With the Birds
If I were to believe in you, would you believe in me?
If everything that I promised you actually came to be
If I were a beautiful rainbow, a reflection in the sky
Formed by the rays of light as your tears you cried
Sweetheart I am just a simple man with a complex plight
My blessing is you’re here with me, as this quest I fight
Sweetheart you know I’m a warrior, though I live like a ghost
I fight and write living my plight, inside the belly of the host
From shore to shore, a forever war, that will never end
Just today I got the word the host has taken another friend
Another soul another goal of course another wasted life
God I am a lucky man to have become one with my wife
Pains insane it shreds my brain and tears my heart into
I’m left here asking myself, “Was there anything I could do”
I have to write a eulogy though I just don’t know what to say
Here is a soul, another hole, for someone who lost his way
Sobriety is really great but at times it is truly rather hard
You watch them take another friend and plant him in the yard
Another smoke, another joke another party has reached its end
Here I sit in a spiritual pit feeling totally lost about my friend
I hope someday someone reads what I say, takes another course
Pass on doing that shot, love it or not, death upon the black tar horse
So I shall write my Eulogy falling to pieces about my friend
Who made fun of the man I turned out to be, until the very end
But that’s ok it was just his way, right up until the day he died
The one true light shinning bright, lives inside of you and I
So will all of you join with me let your spirits pen my words
About a beautiful soul, who found his goal, flying with the birds
Very few people in this life that I love enough to let make fun
of the changes I made in my life. Addiction (The Host) took 6
friends in 2007, 5 in 2008 and this is the first in 2009. He didn't
overdose he was shot a couple of days ago in Chico, Ca during
a home invasion robbery over his heroin debt. I used to always
pay his debts when it reached this point with bags of Meth. This
time I couldn't go there for him and now he is dead. This is my
life, my gift and my curse. God Bless you all, mj