Foggy Love
Brazen world of white—meant for lovers by the sea,
Thunder chasing fog horns-- shake her lonely restless bed.
She can’t help wondering if that warning’s meant to be
Last call notice for the crappy life she’s led.
Good men loved her and proclaimed it to her face,
Bad men used her, left her weeping like a child--
Wild nights are worthless-- there's nothing can erase
Lamentation of the crazies chased to make the heartbeat wild.
A lonely life is tricky--- a slippery burden hard to bear,
Whisker-edge teeth sharpen—blithely gnawing to the bone.
Maybe it’s not a weakness-- yearning for a soul to share
A life the wildest hearts expect they’re doomed to live alone.
Foghorn thunder! Blast away –be heard on land!
Foggy lives aren’t only nestled neat by sea and sand.
V. Anderson-Throop 2013©
Valdez (foggy town), Alaska
Thick fog august 8, 2013
Fog horns for the past 3 mornings at 4 am