Follow Me
In our journey of relationship, God’s presence speaks;
whether in small or big events his message unfolds,
discipleship, its meaning and encounter through faith –
reminds us to commit and be transformed with the Lord.
It’s an important call which demands obedience in return,
along with faith commitment and freedom to say yes to him;
truly, a Christian reflection, a worldview of life’s calling,
and a yearning to imitate what our Lord Jesus made for all.
We remember those events when he called his four disciples
while he was walking by the Sea of Galilee known for fishing
and Jesus said to them that he’d make them “fishers of men,”
disciples to be with him fulltime willing to learn and be one.
Literally, Jesus’ words of invitation to be part of his mission,
explain the profundity of what it means to be a real disciple;
yes, it may be easier to say ‘Yes, Lord’ but with a great deal:
of patience, sacrifice, and openness to different lifestyles.
Again, challenges abound as we head towards that road,
through movements and directions in diverse ways or situations;
discipleship gets its essence with its cost and implications,
that indeed we’ve individual role to play as Christ’s disciples.
How we think, feel and act in our own way to follow him,
makes us see beyond the surface of being human in this world;
yet the thing that matters with a weighty element of direction,
is to become his disciples so that we can in turn disciple them.