Follow the Fire
Deep inside my soul
Where only God can grow
Seeds of passion and hope,
Vigor, stamina – fervor…
There grows a passion, a yearning
Alive, vibrating and trembling…
With a muse so wild and tempting
It feels like the fire will consume me
The blaze is vibrant and illuminates
All of my dreams – my life, my belief
The reasons I smile and laugh,
Enthusiasm that excites so I feel…
Energized, intensified, inspired
As the fire blows out the doubts
Fades away into the feelings, the thoughts
Blazing away, like a grace falling down
Reflecting all the promises in His word,
Settling the need to feel seen and heard –
I know what it means to understand…
The spirit, the fire that consumes…
Heals and relieves, comforts with a warmth
Far stronger, far brighter, far wiser…
Than any other fire – any feeling, any reality
In this glow from the inferno of my soul
There lives a hue of faith, a pure grace
That brightens every doubt and releases
The hurt from the past, erasing the pain
Destroying the insanity with flames
That abide in the truth, the knowing
That His love is always flowing…
Follow the fire with a heart who burns
Eager for the moment when His light
Will scorch away all the skepticism
With flames of believing – understanding
Erasing the darkness and shining hope
Across the moments that remind us…
His fire can truly blind us!
Remembering Paul...
Acts 9:3 (KJV) And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:
Follow The Fire Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose
November 10. 2022