Footprints In the Sand
We walked along the beach today...together hand in hand
enjoying the sights and sounds of nature…while making footprints in the sand.
We watched the sandpipers scurry to and fro between the water and the land
searching for their morning meal…while making footprints in the sand.
We saw a young family playing together making castles with their hands
each moment filled with laughter…while making footprints in the sand.
As we walked what caught my attention was not so much the beauty of the land
It was the myriad of footprints left imprinted in the sand.
And the fact we will never know who made these footprints in the sand.
If they were old or young or black or white…if they were a woman…or a man?
We can’t tell their gender…their God…where politically they stand…
when all we have two go on are their footprints in the sand
We have no way of knowing if they were from Russia, Ukraine, Sweden or Finland…
when the only information before us are their footprints in the sand.
And for one idealistic moment I thought…wouldn’t it be grand…
If all we had to judge another person by…were their footprints in the sand.
No one need be ridiculed…no one need be banned…
we would only see how similar we are from our footprints in the sand.
And in that idealistic moment I wished we were more like sandpipers as we scurry across the land…with no reason to judge each other while making footprints in the sand.
Hoping we could live in harmony…like the footprints we saw today…
and that the rising tide of hate would never come ashore…and wash that harmony away.