For Conversations - a Discourse
We met here, I remember
The first day of my first creation
I found hunger for my expression
Through the midwifery of your eyes
O you have such an ear
For the birth cries of conversation
I met you
Singing like the morning stars
And just like that
Kept my passion replenishing
Memories void of a muse
You made me chose
Contently knowing the act of choice
Is the presence of reason
Man is not tabula rasa here
We cannot love until we know the value
We get on giving
Reason tells the worth and measure of our joy
But I have only fragile sorrow to share
The lost of true dominion there
Please do not ask
For I still shudder from the task
And avoided the tree for good reason
No blattering lights on it
Just fruits I ate that I would not reap
A trusted hand is all you have to crave
To taste the sun ripe
The shackling flesh of sin
I had nothing from a babbling branch
The sweetness of her eyes did win
My lapsing memory
Better then than subtle surmise
You the brighter angel of fallen dreams
In us ... no ties
Beyond the love of word upon the page
The subtler connection in our rage
To you I come past thanksgiving
And giving thanks
Each conversation is a door of trust
Reason rising like the sun
And so yes, you, and you alone
I unpackage praise before your throne.