For Every That Lady Who Loves a Celebrity
Hey Celebrity,How are you?
Waiting to have a cat with you alone..
You know what?? I'm in love with you!!
You seem to me,someone my very own!!
Know that,Girls say this to you daily..;(
But me...Don't compare me with them at all !!
Thinking about you all the time,who else will be me??
Feel proud when you hit that every ball!
Seeing your chats with girls on twitter..
Giving them replies,driving them crazy...
Makes me feel like i'm nowhere!!
Yet no reply to me,makes me dizzy!!
Don't know if you're my destiny or not..
But you'll be in my Prayers forever..
You are The Best of the lot!
Can forget myself,But you?? Never !!
May be you love someone else,may be not!
You'll come to me or I,we'll see ;)
You're the only worth I got!
One thing I make sure,You're not gonna get someone as good as ME!!
(NOTE-I've NOT written it about myself or my feelings,,Just for all those who love/like a celebrity..this one is for cricketers' lovers)