For God So Loved the World
Down from heaven...
to earth... Jesus came.
And offers eternal life,
for whoever calls on his name.
The beloved and begotten son of God is he.
Who died on the cross for you and me.
God sent him in this world... not to condemn.
But to be a sacrifice for all of our sin.
From death to life... his body was raised.
He came to this world... for mankind to be saved.
Whoever believes on him,
will receive life eternal.
And their name will be written
in heaven's journal.
Why not invite him in to
your heart right now?
Confess your sin to him and humbly bow...
Accept the everlasting life
that only he can bring.
He's your hope and peace... He's your everything!
This same Jesus who died
2,000 years ago.
Can make your life complete,
"from head to toe."
"For God so loved the world,
he gave his son for you."
What is your choice?
What will you do?
His life for yours...
is what he allready gave.
There's nothing in this world...
for Jesus... I would trade!
By Jim Pemberton
Read John 3:16-17