For Laura
My best friend,
Through shining days and endless nights I remember our times, when we laughed and played as if nothing mattered. If I could just make you that happy again. You are beauty and grace, Flawlessly you hold your own. I only wish you didn't feel you must hold all inside. If I could show you, you could trust me. Lean on me. Throw all your sorrows upon me so I could carry them so you won't have to. Lay your world on ,y shoulders and I will hold you up. I am amazed and astounded by the way you still push on even when you feel like giving up, still you hold on. When things fell apart, And you cried and felt alone, I wish I could have been there and held you and brought you peace-brought you sweet relief. I wish I could have saved you from the pain when the emptiness took hold; but still, you kept going. I only wish I could measure up, even in the slightest bit. When the pain seemed to never end and you fell down broken, torn, and shattered on the ground-I can only ever pick you back up and be by your side as I have sworn. I wish I never made you hurt, I wish I never made you cry. And I'm sorry the scars that wrap themselves around me cause you so much harm. I don't want to drown you in anymore sorrow
I don't want to pull you down, though I do, and I fear I'll lose you because of that. I can't do much and maybe I'll never be enough, but it's all I have to offer. I'll always remain by your side, ready to pick you up when you fall, ready to give you my arm when you need someone to hold onto. Place to rest your head when you need to cry-even with my cracks and my breaks, and chips and flaws I'll still be around for you as they matter not to me. And I'll keep you up as much as I can. I hope only that I do not fail you, and let you fall.
To see you smile, you truly happy, is my greatest wish. I would give my life up for you. You; my dearest closest friend, are beauty and grace, you are flawless and perfect to me. Just take my hand
Be not afraid and know you are never alone. Do not ever feel you are on your own, I'll never leave your side; for you, there, always I will be wanting to make you smile, wanting to make you happy. Please do not feel sorrow, do not feel alone, you've never let me down now let me do the same. I love you more than I can express, more than I can show. You are my greatest friend, You are my sister, You mean so much and more. You amaze me every day, With your smile and hope, with your strength and grace, with your words and eloquence, I always feel a sense of envy But it'll never matter much for I cherish you and all you are far too much.
You are beauty and grace, you are flawless.