For Love
Can you hear the sound?
Standing upon the grassy hill
the subtle noise of chilled grass
between your toes, the smell
of fresh roots, creeping to
the surface
breaking the barrier
feeling the crunch
the birth giving way to
beautiful sunshine
radiating off the joy we
all share with one another
love shines, climbs and
in some cases...fades
but your love doesn't, it
stays keeps beating like the
drummer's song, upon the
battlefield, we can all feel
your heart, your song, your
echo upon each fluffy cloud
as they do their slow
motioned dance upon the wind
It is unlike any wind heard
before its noise as it rattles
the row of cans upon the
old creaking fence that has
seen the love of youths
perched upon its mantle
platonic or romantic love
comes in such a range of
variety how can we not
see it as living born from
us all, a gift to the
ones we cherish the most
come, come one and all
and see the source of
this Divine Love on
the perfect day to celebrate
the love a Mother to
child, thank you for your
love that transcends
any mental state, romantic
venture or acquired ecstasy
Love you Mom