For Love 21
another goodbye
i am drunk and numb
and i should remain as numb as i can
i dont want to know what he thinks
im gonna miss everything he gave
all those little things
im gonna miss the feeling i had for him
and once believing it was real love
drunk ill forget it...
he will never think of me agin
the man i dreamt of marriage and family
but nothing now
ill stay as f***** up as i can
ill tell the psych that he killed my heart
be a good way to get pills to take
another way to bury him
goodbye goodbye
lover ur not my lover now
never again
no one will ever see this heart again
but this body is up for sale
ill auction off my orgasms
highest bidder gets a special prize
and it wont be u ever again...
nothing in my life will ever be for u again..
gee, i wonder why?
gee, i wonder why?
i miss our mornings and hearing ur sweet accented voice
saying my name and that u loved me
never again...
u dont even understand
what i had for u
what i planned when i got u to myself
doesnt matter now
just another dead romance
another reason for me to shut off this heart
and say **** u to the world
love is nothing anymore...
im gonna have another drink
and i wont remember why i hurt so bad
and i wont remember the words u said
or ur smile, u keep it away from me now
and ill live this lonely life
fine and numb and alone
and u can do what u need to do
and it will never colide again
it was just a long ended mistake anyways
i finally let go
one last cry