For Love
Why does tomorrow seem so close?
How come my dreams never seem to float?
I want to fall in love.
Everyone else seems to have felt it
and feels the need to boast
Let's take another toast
So I can numb the agony
Let me pull myself together
my best girl friend appears to be mad at me
I close my eyes and dream of you.
Your always in disguise so I never notice you
When will my reality combine with my dreams
I feel like I'm coming apart by the seams
I float along this merry little stream
of idiotic thoughts of whoever he might be
When I reach the end will you be waiting for me?
I have this huge urge to sin and I don't know
when I will ever reach my destination
All I know is that I'll never give up waiting
I'll sit on this curb until you pull up in your SUV
or maybe on a bike well see
I just want a glimpse of how you will be
Just a taste would be enough to satisfy my needs
I'd give anything to know how it feels
I'd give the world to hear you say I was your world.
I wouldn't care if my clothes didn't match anymore
Or if I gained a lot of weight because
I'd no longer be in need of a figure
All this beauty would be reserved for you my cutie
I'd never have to ask for anything
because I'd have found love and I think
that look would really suit me.
For love to really woe me
I'd go to heaven
After it pursued me