For Mrs Maha
He fell in love with the blue arching
He fell in love with his hair standing on end
He fell in love with the power
And he fell in love with you.
He never chose to leave, but his job
Took him away.
Every day he risked his life,
Never making a mistake.
He went out in the rain,
And always came home.
He went out in the snow,
And always came home.
He went out in the lightning, sleet
and storms, and always came home.
On a routine day, with the sun shining,
the clouds rolling by, and the shift
almost over, he didn’t make it home.
There is no rhyme or reason, it was his time to go.
But he didn’t chose to leave you.
Questions remain unanswered,
Prayers remain unheard,
How’s and whys linger in the air
No one there to respond.
A mistake? A Miscue? A Slip? A Fall?
A death, never to come home again.
His last thoughts were of you,
I’m sure, and little ones left behind.
But he never chose to leave you.
Someway, somehow, someone, somethng
took him from you.
Somewhere, sometime, it will be easier
To let him go, knowing
He didn’t chose to leave you.
His friends will come calling
to explain his love of the power.
His coworkers will stop by
To explain the love of hair standing on end.
His boss will call on you
To explain how well he handled the blue arcing.
But no one will explain
Why he left you.
Remember him as he was, strong
Dependable, your lover, your friend.
Remember him as he was, kind, gentle
A loving father to those kids.
Remember him as he was, dedicated,
Driven, a worker whose career was cut short.
He didn’t chose to leave you.