For My Beloved Child
I promise
I got you forever
I promise
To be the one fighting
No matter what
No matter who
I promise
Even in the darkest times
You will always find light
I will never go out of sight
I will be your Mother
I can be your Father
You will never be like them
You will not feel lonely
You will not feel something is missing
You will have a home with a complete family
I promise
I will never run like a coward dog
I promise
You will have a place where you belong
It is exhausting
It is draining
But I promise
I will never give up
Your smell
Your cries
Your smiles
Every poop
Every burp
Every touch
Your whole you
Your soul
You, my love
Are my greatest strength
I have never been in love with someone like this before
And I will love you more and more