For My Children
It starts when they're firstborn
Your heart in the palm of their hand
They're so very, very helpless
So you vow to do all that you can
You change them and feed them
You walk them, bounce them and cuddle
And with that first little smile
Your heart melts into a puddle
You cherish their looks and coos
You think you couldn't love them more
Then they lay a little hand on your face
And you know of love's never ending store
You watch them learn to coordinate
With their little tongue, hands and feet
Every day they bring such joy
Your life is now so complete
They learn to laugh out loud
They squeal and they grab and they pinch
You feel so proud when they roll over
And ecstatic if they scoot an inch
In just a few short months
Of singing funny, lullaby songs
There's just no way you can deny
With them is where your heart belongs