For My Muse
So easily we slipped,
falling into familiar patters and dances.
You took my hand,
asking to lead me.
I pulled away,
my mind still cluttered,
with things I never deserved.
How could you ask these things of me?
These little things,
trust and happiness,
so foreign to me.
You promise nothing that isn't possible,
no moon and stars,
just safety and warmth.
Gently yet forcefully,
you took me from what I knew,
without my permission,
you took my heart from behind its walls.
I don't know how you did this to me,
turned my life inside out and shook out the pain.
Relighting the candle I thought I destroyed,
I stand in awe of you.
Indebted to you.
I find that the only currency I can offer you is my heart,
and I can only hope you keep it safe in payment.