For My Son
you melt my heart you melt my soul
to raise you right is my life goal
to give you things i never had
i do this for you cos im your dad
before you were born i didnt care
i hated life which then was fair
when i was told you were comming i said "ok fine "
you are my centre you are my sunshine
i know at time you will drive me mad
but ill love you forever cos i am your dad
ill give you wisdom from my years
ill pick you up when your down, wipe away all your tears
for you id live forever, to make you laugh when you are sad
because this is my duty, because i am your dad
so now that ive written this and so that you do know
whenever the world seems heavy you know where to go
wether problems with a bully, or your feeling blue
ill stand by your side forever, cos im your dad and i love you.