For Nothing
I feel like I keep waiting for you to call,
for nothing.
To say what I want to hear, to change what's been done.
I feel like I put work, risked inevitable hurt,
for nothing.
Knowing I deserve something.
Back to square one again, back to not knowing, to defeaning silence and no
voice but my own to remind my two eyes not to stare at the phone.
If it was for this, for nothing and no time,
then WHY did you come and speak,
then walk far out of my reach;
Make a fool of me for the third time, so now I say the fault is mine.
You really screwed it up this time,
for those you and those who come behind.
Because knowing me I draw conclusions, and number one is
like and love are made from illusions.
That in the end we're all just a "friend", and left with a still phone,
or just me, with just my thoughts to comfort me on my own.
See, I thought you might bring that something that meant something,
since I had nothing.
It seems all this talking we did, while all these feelings you somehow hid,
have all amounted to nothing, for nothing and no time.
But now, I vow this will by the last of you for me, and you'll recede back into the
least of my thoughts, back to the state of our worth,
into nothing, for nothing.