For Sean, My Best Friend
From days of traversing the seas
To home and family
Together we always were
And forever we always will be
Then we went our separate ways
My life, anew, I married
But not you
You found your love
You heart, your devotion
Your were blinded by
her secret potion-
You did not know,
In such a short time
Her heart would explode
And leave you in an icy
Mountain of sorrowful woe
A broken man to me you came
Your love dead, you couldn’t
Even speak her name.
Endless nights wandering the streets
Your mind, your sanity…self defeat
Years you were here
To heal, to mend -
What never should have been.
Under my wing you began to flourish
With our friendship, and trust
You were nourished.
Six years it took for your phantom
To cease
In our endless talks,
You finally found peace.
Away you go on your life’s journey
Never forget me.
I love you, my best friend
Eternally yours, and a hand I shall extend
For you until the final end.
A. Green
** Sean met a woman he fell in love with, after we got out of the Navy.
She failed to mention she had a heart condition from birth. She passed
away before their wedding day.