For the Last Time
For the last time
You're telling me that sky is not to high,
strech out your hands and you'll touch it
no it's not far !
Some one else is looking for me
And it's not who I was dreaming
no no
night ,only night is falling
so close
to take me away from you!
You're voice whisper on my ear
sky is so close
and if you try
if you strech your arms,
far enough
You will be able to grab a peace !
Night ,quiet night
full of love
is coming for us
who else can tell you a story?
If you can say, stay
I wish
you'll stay
stay forever!
The night is dark
it's easy to hide behind,
easy to cry!
I'm not afraid
what ever they say I'm stronger then that!
Night ,
quiet night is coming ,full of love
for us
full of hope
only for us!
I'm not afraid of night
it's all around us
night holding us in the end
nothing else on conscience
ther is no one who will save us from us,
nigh ,secret night
for the last time you're on my mind