For the Love of Allah
If you love your brothers,
You will bring them to their knees.
See how they live,
How shamelessly their women dress and behave.
This life is the one they treasure,
Pigs at the trough of pleasure.
Blast them to Hell
And your Kingdom will come.
When you maim their bodies,
You burn their souls.
You are in your prime and will never know
The indignities of disease or old age.
Once you flip the switch,
You will feel no pain,
Only the ecstasy of being borne aloft
By the angelic houris who will serve you
So that your cup of pleasure overflows
For eternity,
Their blind souls wandering in torment,
Snuffling in vain for their earthly truffles.
You are not doing this for yourselves
But for the love of Allah.May He reward you.