For the Love of My Grandson
Grandson exchanging places
With you if I could
I am uncomfortable with strange faces
But if I could I would exchange
If I could take your DNA
And make it mine
I would if I could
My life is used up
Most of it behind
You have the future
To grab onto
I could let go
Slip into eternity
I love God and he
Loves me
We are close companions
But I can't
I am suffering
Just as you are
My constant
Thoughts are
Will God heal
Will there be
A cure
I am wasting away
But God is
Renewing inner being
Soon I'll go home
Will I live long
Enough to care
For you
That is one of my daily
Prayers that I plead
Love you always
God grant me the
Serenity to accept
Those things
That I cannot
Help me
Give me strength
To change those
Things that I can