For the Love of My People
I would fight for you as I would fight for me,I would stand with you for your child.
I would run with you,I would walk with you a foot or a country mile.
I would march with you, teach with you, learn from you
I would do and be anything you needed me to be.
I would sing with you, I would pray with you until all of us can be free.
I would do these things willingly for I was born to love my people" to believe in my people, to want for them the best !
I was born to be a.part of my people and the things that we must do, their struggles, my struggles, their pain, my pain" trials, my trials, their test, my test.
For I so Love my people, they taught me respect" and my history and how important I am and we all are, how I must always give, and love" and honor all of my people, young and old.
The young it was my job to teach what I learned to pass it on with love, the dreams, the knowledge they had given me to share, the stories I'd been told.
I'd learned of their struggles, of the horrible burdens they had to bare and how they persevered through so many things, and reached out in all their pain to bring along, to share, to be a family to all their people not just the ones that were there.
They gave me culture, and spiritually, and laughter, and life, and consistently made sure I was aware.
As they are my people, you are my people. All you, and I love you with all that is me.
And with each and every part and breath that is, I wii be with you with you till the universe decides my time to rest or all of us are REALLY FREE.
For The Love Of My People