For the Love of Words
The love of words can create mental pain
as they play hide and seek inside my brain.
I sit here dreaming, pen waiting in hand;
my mind animated with thoughts so grand.
To be very frank- the two will not meet,
the paper is blank- my head's still in heat!
What comes to my mind has been said before,
and so what is left to say or explore,
Of love, of nature, of my peace of mind?
God above, of self, the woes of mankind?
Of life and death- about war, or of peace?
These poetic themes need a new release!
Yet still, all is here in my aching brain
seeking a crack to relieve the dull pain—
churning, brewing for some new words to find,
metaphor, imagery- meter combined.
Burst open, you seed! Expose yourself bare
so I can find thoughts and words to prepare
my poems with love in creative light-
show gifts of this poet's struggle and plight!
This love of words can create mental pain-
Why I pursue that- is hard to explain.