For the Mind Young and Wise
You might say I have a young mind, a budding spirit,
Not enough experience, not enough heartbreak,
No calluses to show off roughened edges
These are the things that I know:
I know that Jack ran off with Jill to the top of a hill
Took a risk on forbidden love and wound up dead.
I know that one and two is three, only in simple addition
These are the things I have learned:
I know that friends come and go but love never ceases.
Times and trials prove to us who will stick around for good.
I know how to lose someone in the worst way, with no goodbye
These are the secrets I keep:
I know that I think and write best in an English accent,
Delicate words spew forth out of my stubborn Midwestern mind.
I know that the past plagues my soul, in forms of regrets, nightmares and dreams
These are the things I have to prove myself:
I keep a soul in much older form than my own.
I indeed am young, optimistic, an extravagant dreamer.
My life has known both childlike pleasures and adult decades of pain.
I’ll let you think what you will.