For Those
To each of those who think the same there will be a day you feel your shame.
To pass on judgment and smear my name.
To see through one eye you act in vain.
To know the art of what you do it is the same that many view.
You make it seem that what I do have some sort of direct effect on you.
You rip and tear with your words and stare, to knock me down to fake your game.
Let it go it will be okay, this is my life and yours is not the same.
To take a grasp and feel my pain even for a second, you act as though there is a
place that you are allowed to make me pay.
To come to me and feel no blame, for the comments that make no space to see
how I feel in this everyday.
Open your selfish eyes and see me this way, it is not sinful it is okay.
If you embraced even an ounce of what I have, you could see that it is not
something that is meant to be bad.
Don’t fear what might happen, this is my heart it is not a pin cushion, please
don’t poke at it.
Love is not a game just because it is not the same.
My love is not blind it is bright and full of color.
For those who can not see that, I feel sorry for you, open your eyes.