For What
For What
Fight and struggle as one can,
From growing boy into a man,
All the while not knowing the plan,
This need for life escapes me.
Make a friend or make a foe,
‘Tis how we meet that causes so,
Should one come or the other go.
This need for life escapes me.
Work and worry and work some more,
In tiredness lay upon the floor,
With every muscle aching sore
This need for life escapes me.
Flesh and blood and bone we are.
Selfsame particles as a star,
With house and boat and clothes and car,
This need for life escapes me.
Reproduce into this world,
Another child boy or girl,
Their struggle now to unfurl,
This need for life escapes me.
Then love bursts upon the scene,
Fills my heart with hopes and dreams.
Now I’ll live by any means,
For this life now excites me.