For Who You Are
one thing I really hate is when you
know made a mistake but it
happened a long time ago an ppl
just keep holding it over your head
an you already know u was wrong
but you try an get over it an move
on cuz it happened in the past an
ppl just won't let it go they just keep
pointing it out as if it happened
yesterday an your constantly trying
to prove to them that your not that
person anymore an so you make
yourself change into someone your
not someone that they will approve
of because you wanna keep them in
your life an your constantly always
under a lot of pressure to make
shore they love your or that they
have no probably with what your
doin an how you act an one day you
take a good look at yourself an
slowly realize the person your
looking at isn't you an then you sit
an think why am im changing
everything about myself basically
who I am for this person smh they
knew who I was before they came in
my life an that was part of the
reason they loved me but now all of
a sudden they want me to change
everything about myself smh for
what when they could easily go out
an find the person they want im not
a project im a person an I have
feelings to either there gonna
except me for who I am an that I've
matured an im not that immature
person I use to be an love me for
that or we can go our separated
ways an leave it as that ppl need to
learn to look past each others fault
an remember what brought them
together in the first place an what
made them fall in love cuz at the
end of the day sometimes that's
what matters