For You, Only You
It all came back to me
When the winds of yesterday
Crossed over my mind.
Bringing sweetness in the heart
Delight and enjoyment.........
That you are well after many suns and moons.
To my remembrance
Came the first time we met
Opening in the mind like a flower bud.
In the wind I could smell the aroma
In the eyes I could see the petals
The way you looked many years ago and now.
For a time memories returned
Of a time me and you walked in the wild
Secluding our love from both the admirers and the envious.
Do you still hear the rivers ?
The trickle song they enchanted............
In praise of the togetherness we found ?
A coo here, a coo there
The doves would sing.
Flight to the skies
Again to the trees
Songs continued in a language only them understood......
A language we unknowingly got to learn.
When the time came
Then life's reasons split us apart,
Rivers learned to trickle from our eyes
Flowers shed to loose beauty and aroma
Doves that had lost one another cooed no more
Flying in the wind in search of one another in the unknown.
With the many years and seasons
Our hearts and feelings
Bare like the mountains..........
Bore the changing seasons
The rains, sun and the winds
Hearts adopted to harden with changed times.
You were right you know
It was time to move on...........
It was all in your eyes
Together we ventured
Seasoned, hardened and hopeful
You took to your way, me mine.........
It was nice to meet you again.