For You
I wish I had a way
To watch you close your eyes
The moment you give up searching
For reality's light lost and lurching.
I wish I had a way
To watch you dance with fire
In these shapeless bars of guilt
Singing for each hope you split.
I wish I had a way
To watch you laugh so untramelled
To find your world's secret chink
The break of my desire's brink.
I wish I had a way
To blend in with your senses
Like a flower over the wave
For the dead calm to crave.
I wish I had a way
To carve your lost white outlet
With my hands to absolve vainness
Mould for you an earthen forgiveness.
I wish I had a way
To look boldly at your fear
When your desires seem to withdraw
Into tempestuous seas of dodecatheon law.
I wish I had a way
To watch you spread your wings
With each great and each weak
Flight you owe,flight you win.
I wish I had a way
To walk with you on paths
That pass from instinct to need
From need to wishes that concede.
I wish I had a way
To feel your weary hands hold
The disaster along with the compassion
Through time of destiny and passion.