For You
As I lay my self down to sleep I give to you my soul to keep
For u I would take a stand, to keep our love strong I'll do anything I can
Everytime I feel your touch which i dont feel enough, Its like Im begging
for your love! Its like im invisable to you why cant i be what you need!
The pain and suffering that I have allways known tends to stay with me
as I grow,My nightmares has lengerd threw all these years I have shed
way to many tears! When i meat you my heart was like coal , I'V never
been showed love as you no , But yet you show nothing now,
In the bagning a light shined on me and It was you , Then I was no
longer haunted by what men put me through! Now that I have meat you
This monster you have slain And every day being with you keeps me saine
Love deciet dishunesty and pain cover my soul like the distant rain
wanting your love me pushes me insaine Cant you see your
all I have For you my love is pure and true ,you dont even have a clue
its hard for me when your not near losing you is my biggest fear.
U and Elissa are my family ! Something Iv never had And I would
go to the end of the earth to get it back I need for us to be togeather tell
the end ! But do u? For u I would do anything I can!
I say I love you because I do in my heart mind and soul And you know its true For
you Id gladly
give my life in hope that one day ill be your wife