For You and Me
It was for you and me,
That Jesus left His throne,
Bore the scourge and agony,
Shivered His flesh and bone,
It was for you and me,
He took that gloomy tour,
Towards the dreaded Calvary,
Summed His tortured hours,
It was for you and me,
That Jesus bore the cross,
Paid the heaviest penalty,
Was supposed to be ours,
It was for you and me,
He wailed the saddest cry,
It was for you and me,
Jesus was nailed to die,
Oh, that you and I may see,
Our wickedness beyond measure,
Jesus to set us free,
In our stead bore the torture,
It was for you and me,
When Jesus' death sufficed,
Christ rose from the dead,
Our sins He paid the price,
His great mysterious love,
Knocks the door of each man's heart,
His mighty power recreates,
Renews our lives whole to restart,
He rose back to His throne,
Sitting by His Father's side,
Prepare! He's coming soon,
Today is to decide,