For You I Live
My mind now lost.
Your words drown mine.
I shout my love,
the world can hear.
My mind now lost,
at what the cost.
Your love for me?
Oh, my don't leave!
We have just met,
the sun not set,
let it not go,
I love you so.
We have, don't shrug,
please take my love.
In terms of time,
all will be fine.
Ten times, four begs,
those miles of smiles,
walked on strong legs,
climbed all those stiles.
My mind is lost,
we have the love,
don't let it cost,
we must not shove.
Love can go on.
Your hand in mine.
Hear that old song?
True love, come dine.
O, till the end,
true love I give.
You I will tend.
For you, I live.