For Your Speculative Mind
Pray, I know, I feel it, I sense it
The intuition which is mightier than my wit
Tweets it to my mind
And I just trust it
As it holds the same power
As a walking stick would, to a blind,
Pray, i just know that about me
And about all the others you do ponder!
See, you do care solely to see that which you choose
The bright smile which makes us all lovelier than a rose
The glamour which bids us all to fly high on ecstatic clouds
And of course, the cause for which we do sound our bells loud!
And I just know, that, behind your gentle facet
You do let unfold, about us, a doomed ballet!
Why, does it even matter
If we are lovers or mere philosophers?
Does it be a cause of bother
As to bring up a tsunami in your flowing river?
Pray, know that the world is made of difference of all sorts
Know that to judge others is a virus easily caught
Know that you can be immune to such an infection
All it requires is to be able to muster up, in you, an introspection!
See the world as it is, a revolving mess upon its own confusion
See yourself as a particle of dust, made of mysterious concoction
See your being as being devoid of meaning
For the life you live is a lie,
Meant someday to be treated as would be an abortion!
Upon it, souls tread, carrying dutifully their own burden
Even if they know that their existence remains as that of the fly
Fickle and uncertainly driven
So much that easily and without warning
They do become, faced with Death, downfallen!
Why, in such a world, tell me, brother or sister
Tell me,
Is it worth wasting your time lost in hatred
Or lost in creating a judgemental corner
Where you do spit out your rancour
Causing you to feel, about yourself, illbred?
Tell me,
Pray, is it not better
To smile, so totally intoxicated
By the birth of stars in your own essence,
To love, so totally moved
By the warmth you feel
When you do share this essence
And to hold each and everyone
In a bond as strong as steel?
4th Dec 2017
For Contest Judgmental People And Haters
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