Forbidden Love
Tears of pain stream down my face.
I want to hide, but can’t find a place.
My heart aches, as if broken in two;
It’s hard to fix without any glue.
I feel cold inside, but my face is hot.
I don’t know what I should feel, or what I should not.
My emotions seem to mimic a rollercoaster ride:
Up, then down, and all over the place; I really can’t decide.
If he feels the same, as I in my heart,
Then how could it make sense that we’d be apart?
I can’t be upset with him, as he’s done nothing wrong,
But I still feel betrayed, like I should have known all along.
You see, he didn’t play games, and was respectful to boot.
He sought the Lord’s permission to go on his pursuit.
He began to fast, and continued to pray,
But the Lord said, “No. You’ll find your wife another day.”
So now we’re both here expected to trust,
That what was thought to be love, had really been lust.
I’m confused why it’s this relationship that God won’t allow,
But I’m relying on my faith in God, even though I don’t understand now.
Whether the timing’s just wrong, or he wasn’t the one,
It wasn’t all for nothing; one day I’ll know why it was done.
I realize that something was still gained; this is not the end.
For out of it I have still found a true and lifelong friend.
Only God knows if this will change someday but, that’s just fine,
Because the man God created just for me will one day become mine!