Love Poem: Foreordination


Your Word Oh God is our bread
by your prophecy are we led
your Truth Oh Lord shall be our wine
for by these two do our lives define

Though your sins be as scarlet you be made white as snow
when you accept Jesus and his Father come to know
no earthly treasure that exists on earth below
can compare to the riches to his Sons do show

You do with Holy Spirit lead
your servants to those who True Love need
to give understanding to hearts who hear
and knowledge that your King draws near

Your servants on earth do know your will
the veracity of Truth you in them instill
the prophetic Word by life do fulfill
exposed the lie that by death does kill

We are but clay molded by your power
the life we live tis but an hour
you must guide and teach your ways
to live by your Word is endless days

From ages to ages you are our God
with the Truth of Kingdom our feet are shod
like forefathers and prophets your name do laud
We have accepted your will and given our nod

Through the pen of Truth do prophets speak
whose origins humble and nature meek
you chose the weak of the world to confound the wise
to spread the Truth and uncover the lies

You nurture those who seek your face
who know this system you will replace
the gifts of God been given a taste
who know their lives they must not waste

Jesus the firstborn of a new creation
with him the Sons of God rule the nations
the wise virgins have trimmed their lamp
with his seal of approval received his stamp

In the latter rain do Sons and Daughters prophesy
uncover the Truth and reveal the Lie
within your dreams and visions do see
from the past and future what is to be

Joel 2:28-32 1Cor. 1:21-31 2Cor 5:17 
Galatians 5:14-16 Ephesians 1:1-23 
James 5:7-8 1John

COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller