Forever Beloved
Knees pulled to my chest so tightly, eyes clenched closed suppressing tears
Hidden in darkness my heart beats for only you in this cold drenched life
I thought I was purely alone, but your hand was always upon my shoulder
You guided me from the pain and hurt others placed upon me in my past
No one else was there to hold me in this wretched world I live in, but you
I was showed a small light that grew over time and warmed my pale body
In exchange I wrapped my arms around you and kept you forever in my sight
We became one and I left everything I ever knew so I could be in your life
Slowly my body relaxes in your embrace as well as the times you are in my own
My eyes never turn away from your own eyes as I look deeper into your heart
Be with me forever, it’s all I ask of; your love and your warmth in my now undying
Thank you for giving me a reason to live on and not stay in the darkness with the
I proudly call myself yours and that I love you wholeheartedly; this feeling will
never end