Forever Love
He knows me – like I don’t know myself.
He knows my darkest fears, eases my tears
He knows when the struggle brings me to a place..
Where I can’t believe I’m even awake – because
It feels like a nightmare more than a reality
He knows me – even when I feel so uncertain,
Like my heart is breaking or the world is taking
Away all my joy, my peace and my encouragement
He knows me – when I feel like I’m losing
He knows me – when it feels like I’m being abused
He knows me – when I feel like the abuser
He knows me – when I’m sad and disillusioned
He knows my heart, my soul and my spirit
He knows my worries, my fears and my challenges
He knows how I feel when I’m lonely and fearful
He knows how I try even when I’m not sure its best
He knows about my dreams and He makes a way
When I feel like there isn’t even a prayer to pray
He knows me – like I don’t know me
He knows me and I can’t ever praise Him enough
Because without Him, His love, all the joy of His grace
I wouldn’t have the strength to make it through each day
I wouldn’t have the courage to whisper a prayer
I wouldn’t have the hope that makes me fully aware…
He is the One who knows me like no one else on earth
And, because He knows me – I know that I’m understood
I’m thankful that He knows me because I never could
Be the light for another – without the love of God, the love
That I treasure, love that will last forever and ever!