Forever Mine
I was so blessed to be the mother of three,
in less than four years from oldest to last.
The love I felt for them was fierce and protective,
my only regret that they grew up too fast.
When they were little, I thought that forever
they would be mine to love and to hold.
I viewed them as treasures and wouldn’t have traded
for diamonds or rubies or mountains of gold.
As they grew older, I knew I must loosen
the ties that had bound them to my very soul.
They needed to grow and to find their own persons.
Each one had the right to set his or her goal.
If there were troubles, I do not remember.
In memory those years brought me nothing but joy.
If I could go back now to when they were children,
I’d go in a flash to my two girls and my boy.
But I couldn’t be prouder of the children I raised
and the parents in kind they have turned out to be.
They have given me grandchildren to love and to hold
just as I did once with my own precious three.
My son died too early and I was heart- broken
but the love that we had for each other sustains.
The love and the pride that I had while I had him
is worth all the sorrow and relieves the pain.
Somehow my daughters have turned things around.
They act more the parents and I am their child.
They worry and fuss and spoil me completely.
I know I’m a mother on whom fate has smiled.
Won no. 4