Forever Relationship
I do love Him because He first loved me
Imprisoned in His compassion, I’m free.
Blessed encounter marked our great meeting
I was only sixteen; faithless, doubting.
With His offered relationship, He came
Reaching down to me midst my sin and shame.
His precious Word gave me love’s assurance
I trusted Him, devoid of arrogance.
His eternal grace draws me near His heart
Forever cleaved to Him; I can’t depart.
Now, I delight in our sweet fellowship
Nurtured by vibrant faith-upheld friendship.
He encloses me within His warm embrace.
And His presence cheers me in this life’s race.
Thus, in our three decades of love-life’s crest
I vow to God* my devotion’s full-best!
*Number 30:2 If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.
September 6, 2018
1st place, "STANDARD NO 120..." Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand; judged on 10/2/2018.