Standing tall, always reaching towards God
you are firmly planted
in the rough, rocky soil of my life.
You wrap me in your winter warmth
when biting frost creeps ‘round,
and in spring, repel torrential rains
so they fall gently on those
living humbly in your shadow.
When an August sun blisters the world,
you are the oasis of which I dream,
under whom I long to sleep.
Your pliable limbs are supportive
in weather foul or fair
and when hot, malodorous winds
of sorrow sweep over me,
your cool essence sweetens the breeze.
You are my shield from storms of dismay
and now when we’ve reached our autumn,
your somber, leafless majesty
silhouettes my grey horizon
and embellishes it with
streaks of golden sunset hope.
You are constant, unchanging,
always verdant. You are my