It’s winter here, almost a painful grasp
grey dread, falling like melancholy
over the mountain peaks, gusts
flavored in sips of toasty coffee
lasting all afternoon
speaking to the twilight
winds, furious silence
pouring out gentle flakes, softly
coloring the night in beautiful, wonders
like the palest praise, imagining
what it would be like to hold the hand
of my Savior, as the wind upsets the ridges
requesting the songs who breathe light
from the edges of heaven, where He is listening
to the slow prayers, drenched in hope,
breaking through the laurels and pines,
walking over moss covered stones
and remembering the way serenity falls
with each flake, each embrace
from the One who knows me like no one else
the One who flows, purer than any river or sea
living water, streams of grace and peace
reassuring me that wherever I go,
whatever I see – He is with me….
It’s winter here, and I feel His touch
Friend to my soul, my light
breaking through the dark, kneeling
with the faith that remembers
this love He offers is more than a feeling
it is alive with joy, dancing through the spirit,
singing Hallelujah and preaching forgiveness
to the heart who once knew doubt,
the soul who ached with the heavy silence
blended with trembling prayers
who were fed by a hunger for His light
a yearning for the love that is beyond expression
His love is the only connection I’ll ever need
it is the miracle of hope and the love that just knows
wherever He goes… there is a promise
forever is coming, burning through the burdens
singing light into the cracks
where I was once broken, but now
know the anticipation of love that colors
me in joy, softest joy
It’s winter here but I feel the warmth of His presence
flowing on the hesitant dreams
growing wild among the distant stars
seeking my heart, my soul, my life –
measuring me with only one weight,
the love that He’s placed in my heart to bring me
the opportunity to provide light
glowing at the edges of His forest of hope
shimmering on the night, as the snow softly falls
reminding me that I’m more loved than I could ever imagine,
with a love far more beautiful than I could ever tell of –
love that is beyond words or pictures
this is the love that gives the soul forgiveness
this is the love that gives the heart contentment
this is the love that heals all resentment
this is the love that rests in the spirit, blessing
so that everywhere – in the heart and in the snow,
there is praise that lasts forevermore!