Forevermore and Eternally
There are many kinds of love and adoration,
Each one amazing, beautiful and remarkable;
But there is one pure, untainted and true love.
The unconditional, unrestricted love of a pet
They come into our lives quietly and gently,
And without warning they capture our hearts;
Be it a cat, dog, bird, it does not matter really.
There is no secret covert protection to stop it
And whether it be a short time or many years,
We are shattered when they quietly leave us;
With a whisper they are gone to another place.
And we are left empty, hollow and heartbroken
The price of this pure and true genuine love,
Is the agony, the aching of grief and the tears;
This is a love that endures and prevails beyond.
And with the sorrow, the happiness dwells also
"Sealed in our hearts forevermore and eternally."
August 2, 2014
Poetry/Verse/Forevermore and Eternally
Copyright Protected, ID 08-588-233-02
All Rights Reserved, 2014, Constance La France
Written for the Standard contest, A True Love Poem,
sponsor Poet Destroyer, Judged 08/2014
First Place