Forget All the Foolishness
Forget all the foolishness of the moment
that made you breathe in fear and anger;
stand up and face the inescapable fact:
you can run once, but not forever!
Don't try to be perfect,
show everybody how you care;
I'm the one who needs attention,
so get rid of your pretension,
throw away what's unfair...
and speak words with intent!
Forget all the foolishness of the moment,
it's stupidity on your part, be someone
sensible to my needs, show that big heart;
making mistakes is not being imperfect:
you can learn from them, it's not a horrendous crime...
who lurks in frightening shadows is shut out from the light!
Step down from your splendid heaven where
all the angels object to your greed;
show every tender feeling and feel free
to love the faithful one waiting alone...
watching rageful waves in a troubled sea:
being human is not seeing somebody bleed!
Forget all the foolishness of the moment,
all can be forgiven quickly, seek atonement;
don't see your wounded pride but something different:
a chance to amend faults and not feel the embitterment!